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Poetul zilei
Cincinat Pavelescu
(1872 - 1934)

325 Poezii

Poezia de azi

de Tudor Arghezi
Prin undele holdei si campi de cucuta,
Fugarii-au ajuns in pustie
La ora cand luna-n zabranice, muta,

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These times we live are strange
We always search for a change
We re like the screws in flange
Our lives are always earthquake
No honey sugar milk and cake
No heart our feelings are fake
Earthquake are all our values
Earthquake are things we use
Earthquake are friends we lose
No time we have for a deep love
No see the stars that shine above
Lapse the brigthness of the moon
Our love we never understood
Lapse the warmth of the spring sun
Our love is like a rusty and old gun
Lapse the voices of children
Once we heard in our garden
Lapse the hot love we liked make
Once in bedroom like a earthquake
Days are the same every week
Our love goes strage and weak
No more stars in our feelings
No more colours of beginings
Winter covered by white snow
Freeze our minimum love flow
Earthquake everynight we know
Is a thin touch now and slow
Hope for good times and bless
Hope for honey milk with ness
Hope for good life here on Earth
Present is another sad tail
Present was sold by retail
What we need so many things
Love and happiness don t bring
What we need so many people
Who say they care about the good
Of our lives we never understood
Delve in our minds like a niple
In our souls like a earthquake
With promises they never make
Words meaning nothing and fake
Look at the young we live among
Who will prepare them a future
Healthy and safety a nation strong
A clean country as mother nature
To live a straight life no emotions
Not to be stolen by their creations
To be paid well for what they learn
Not only words nobody concern
To build the future on solid ground
With no teror and bombs around
To build the future they want make
With no fear and with no earthquake


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