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Poetul zilei
Ioan Moldovan
(1952 - ?)

7 Poezii

Poezia de azi

In amurg
de Nicolae Davidescu
In totul pilpiie serbarea
Unei zile ce se stinge
Si pretutindeni, cit e zarea,
Vesperala pace ninge.

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Ode (in ancient meter)

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Hardly had I thought I should learn to perish;
Ever young, enwrapped in my robe I wandered,
Raising dreamy eyes to the star styled often
Solitude s symbol.

All at once, however, you crossed my pathway -
Suffering - you, painfully sweet, yet torture
To the lees I drank the delight of dying -
Pitiless torment.

Sadly racked, I m burning alive like Nessus,
Or like Hercules by his garment poisoned;
Nor can I extinguish my flames with every
Billow of oceans.

By my own illusion consumed I m wailing
On my own grim pyre in flames I m melting
Can I hope to rise again like the Phoenix
Bird from the ashes?

May all tempting eyes vanish from my pathway
Come back to my breast, you indifferent sorrow!
So that I may quietly die, restore me
To my own being!

(1883, Translated by Andrei Bantas)


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