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Poetul zilei
Lucian Valea
(1924 - 1992)

130 Poezii

Poezia de azi

Titlul volumului meu, care ma preocupa atat de mult
de Adela Greceanu
Sa te porti feminin, adica in gandurile tale si de
Asemeni in cuvintele tale sa te asezi gratios, picior peste

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Vezi toate poeziile din albumul Poezii Diverse

by Edgar Allan Poe

So sweet the hour, so calm the time,
I feel it more than half a crime,
When Nature sleeps and stars are mute,
To mar the silence ev n with lute.
At rest on ocean s brilliant dyes
An image of Elysium lies:
Seven Pleiades entranced in Heaven,
Form in the deep another seven:
Endymion nodding from above
Sees in the sea a second love.
Within the valleys dim and brown,
And on the spectral mountain s crown,
The wearied light is dying down,
And earth, and stars, and sea, and sky
Are redolent of sleep, as I
Am redolent of thee and thine
Enthralling love, my Adeline.
But list, O list,- so soft and low
Thy lover s voice tonight shall flow,
That, scarce awake, thy soul shall deem
My words the music of a dream.
Thus, while no single sound too rude
Upon thy slumber shall intrude,
Our thoughts, our souls- O God above!
In every deed shall mingle, love.

-- THE END --

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