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Poetul zilei
Petre Ghelmez
(1932 - 2001)

4 Poezii

Poezia de azi

La poarta
de Nichita Stanescu
Vaselica din Socoli
Sufera de sapte boli;
una-n suflet, trei in ea;
si-alte trei la bidinea,

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Cautare avansata

The Irish Guards

Vezi toate poeziile din albumul Poezii Diverse

by Rudyard Kipling

WE RE not so old in the Army List,
But we re not so young at our trade.
For we had the honour at Fontenoy
Of meeting the Guards Brigade.
Twas Lally, Dillon, Bulkeley, Clare,
And Lee that led us then,
And after a hundred and seventy years
We re fighting for France again!
Old Days! The wild geese are flighting,
Head to the storm as they faced it before!
For where there are Irish there s bound to be fighting,
And when there s no fighting, it s Ireland no more!
Ireland no more!
The fashion s all for khaki now,
But once through France we went
Full-dressed in scarlet Army cloth,
The English - left at Ghent.
They re fighting on our side today
But, before they changed their clothes,
The half of Europe knew our fame,
As all of Ireland knows!
Old Days! The wild geese are flying,
Head to the storm as they faced it before!
For where there are Irish there s memory undying.
And when we forget, it is Ireland no more!
Ireland no more!

From Barry Wood to Gouzeaucourt,
From Boyne to Pilkem Ridge,
The ancient days come back no more
Than water under the bridge.
But the bridge it stands and the water runs
As red as yesterday,
And the Irish move to the sound of the guns
Like salmon to the sea.
Old Days! The wild geese are ranging .
Head to the storm as they faced it before!
For where there are Irish their hearts are unchanging,
And when they are changed, it is Ireland no more!
Ireland no more!

We re not so old in the Army List,
But we re not so new in the ring,
For we carried our packs with Marshal Saxe
When Louis was our King.
But Douglas Haig s our Marshal now
And we re King George s men,
And after one hundred and seventy years
We re fighting for France again!
Ah, France! And did we stand by you,
When life was made splendid with gifts and rewards?
Ah, France! And will we deny you
In the hour of your agony, Mother of Swords?
Old Days! The wild geese are flighting,
Head to the storm as they faced it before!
For where there are Irish there s loving and fighting,
And when we stop either, it s Ireland no more!
Ireland no more!

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