Poetul zilei
Dragoş Protopopescu
(1892 - 1948)

3 Poezii
1 Sonete
1 Romante

Poezia de azi

de Virgil Gheorghiu
E primavara iarasi si pasarile cinta
Ascunse printre frunza ciresilor albiti,
Un cintec de-amintire, iubirea noastra sfinta

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Life s Poem

Vezi toate poeziile din albumul Versuri din lacrima
Should I be happy
When all I want has a price?
The spark is fading from my eyes
And the scars from my heart I can't disguise.

I scratch your figure with my nails
And the wall is screeching wickedly
I tried to smile but it's so useless
When my life is everybody's mockery.

They told me I would never make it
And threatened me to better leave it
They have kicked me when I was down
My so-called friends never were around!

Sometimes I wonder if this is my end
If this day has come to wipe me away
I wonder if it will exist some day
When I won't fade in decay again.

I've tried so badly to change my luck
Life gave me dreams that won't come true
I guess I'm just a waste, a mess
I'll have to accept, I can't be the best.

Someday I'll have to leave this place
Dead memories are now revived
Sad past scenes are so well outlined
This vicious circle drives me insane!

I can hear the unfriendly silence
My mouth is opened, but they can't hear me
I fall in despair, no one can help me
Save me, please, don't turn off the light!

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