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Poetul zilei
Ioan Moldovan
(1952 - ?)

7 Poezii

Poezia de azi

In amurg
de Nicolae Davidescu
In totul pilpiie serbarea
Unei zile ce se stinge
Si pretutindeni, cit e zarea,
Vesperala pace ninge.

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Cautare avansata

Diaphane de Anca Baloiu (2014)

Vezi toate poeziile din albumul Versurilemele
Je suis frele, shy and
When I need a friend
Je regard straight to me
And my eyes will see
What no one can read
Page with page, line by line.

Je suis difficile, naughty
And if I search for my enemy
Je regard the other side of me
And my eyes will see
What I felt in my past
Year after year, day by day.

Je suis solitaire, hopeless femme
And if someone can read me,
My entire being when I'm diaphane
Then she will surely be
My best friend and my worst enemy.

Je suis mon ami, good and honestly
I am my own reader, but not only,
My best listener and a tough enemy
I see right through me,
'Cause when I'm single, I'm diaphane,
'Cause she is me, I'm that femme.

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