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Poetul zilei
Ioan Moldovan
(1952 - ?)

7 Poezii

Poezia de azi

In amurg
de Nicolae Davidescu
In totul pilpiie serbarea
Unei zile ce se stinge
Si pretutindeni, cit e zarea,
Vesperala pace ninge.

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Cautare avansata

love crime

Vezi toate poeziile din albumul genialitate peste noapte
to love is a crime, to spred love is a piece of mind

to seek forgiveness is righten in braille ,

to execute a smile is damnation in deniel,

overcome madness with a hug, a golden temple heart

i pledge my devotion, to the sound,

my emotion to the skys allaround,

revive the stars that drowned in your eyes,

kiss the temptation goodbyes,

i know the sun love, i know the trust broken hurts

i know the darkness behind , all the flaws that you used to love

inner wars , deep waters , all ofcourse, frozen in time

we are used to remind pains, the sadness they create

the hauted victims of my road , vivid lucid dreams must be rong,

i endure the fires of hell, so i could come back ready for heavens bells

but instead i took a bitte of my own shadow,falling in the back of my mind

inocents cries, with an ecoh that only a few souls feal, all over the globe,

thrills , of personality drills , dispacing hope in small dozez

i enlope , i desire , i concure, i survived ,

i and i , is you with a gift of mine, eye for a eye is just headeach

the segment of freedom,

frequently frying the emotions for seeing you hideing

with a wight lie,

we all are smiteing in genetic codes, the perfection of cosmic time,

i arrived at the gates of reality , smelling the death of the matrix

coursing thruth the flesh of humanity descendents,

love must be the madness, that fights with the power of truth,

or the truth, is a powerfull madness that fights for love ,

pleasure indure,orginals smoothing for a cure,

acting like a saint, liveing in my own hell,

toxing the braine waves, swinging in the coffins to exhale

beautifullness lies between the lines,

of heaviness knives and pens, that cuts your breath

from inside out ,i crave the caves that congest

your imaginary bullet proof vest,

kissing the sunset i love to expres the progres

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