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Poetul zilei
Cincinat Pavelescu
(1872 - 1934)

325 Poezii

Poezia de azi

de Tudor Arghezi
Prin undele holdei si campi de cucuta,
Fugarii-au ajuns in pustie
La ora cand luna-n zabranice, muta,

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Cautare avansata

Just one reason

Vezi toate poeziile din albumul tu si lumea ta
Girl: Make this heart beat
Cause it s fallen asleep
Make this mouth speek
Cause it has become too weak
Make me forgive
Cause I forgot how to live
Show me the path
And I ll never come back
Show the way
Cause there is no more to saaaayyyy :

Girl: Give me just one reason..to ramain
When I ve been through soo much pain
Girl: I ve seen it allboy:it has began !
Girl: what should I do ?..boy : it has been done !

Girl: I still cryboy :and I can t sleep
Girl :What this means ?boy :it s something deep
Girl: Is it love or is it pain ?
Boy: I donno..but please remain

Boy :Stay with me..please don t go
Think at me.. I ll miss u soo
I want u here..at my side
Cause I m too hurtdeep down inside
I ll make it work..I ll make it better
Our only dream- us two together
Ur my girl and I m ur boy
We should create..not destroy
Our hope is not so far away
But it s so much more to saaaayyy :

Girl: Give me just one reason..to ramain
When I ve been through soo much pain
Girl: I ve seen it allboy:it has began !
Girl: what should I do ?..boy : it has been done !

Girl:I still cryboy :and I can t sleep
Girl :What this means ?boy :it s something deep
Girl: Is it love or is it pain ?
Boy: I donno..but please remain

boy:I love u please don t leave
girl:I m sorry but there is no reason to live

Girl: Give me just one reason..to ramain
When I ve been through soo much pain
Girl: I ve seen it allboy:it has began !
Girl: what should I do ?..boy : it has been done !

Girl: I still cryboy :and I can t sleep
Girl :What this means ?boy :it s something deep
Girl: Is it love or is it pain ?
Boy: I donno..but please remain

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